March 3, 2021
Calculating Waist-High Turnstile Requirements
This article applies to any purchase of waist-high mechanical turnstile, but it is oriented toward the rental requirements. Waist-high turnstiles serve both as a psychological and practical entry delineation. Mentally, people who pass through a…
Category: Industry Insights

December 12, 2019
Is It Fair To Skip Your Fare?
Albeit strange, fare collection has gained the title of the most dividing subject in public transportation. With a claimed loss of $25 million annually, it is no wonder why the Metro Agency has implemented such…
Category: Industry Insights

September 23, 2019
Detecting the Problem: Why You Should Amp Up Your Perimeter Security to Lessen the Outside Risk
Alarm clock goes off. TV or radio goes on. Check your cell phone. What is the first thing that you hear about? It probably isn’t happy news. It likely is a terrible situation: A shooting….
Category: Industry Insights